of Enterprise Application Integration consist of three point. First,
Globalization, selling anything anywhere in the world and the competition
push enterprise to confront from
anywhere. Second, mergers and acquisision, that’s mean seeking size and power
throught the national and international mergers. And the last point is the
multiplication exchange, that the
enterprise must show greater reactivity, becoming the first to present a new
product to the market.
And than, in our class we discuss about enterprise success
factor. Actually, it’s so many factor to measure succesfully enterprise. But,
in Tuesday we was studying about three point of success factor. First, reactivity
and adaptibility, that’s mean every information changes must be processed and
it might be a notification for the enterprise whether to take decision or not. Second,
accelerate time-to-market, that’s mean Period of time between the first ideas
around a product and it’s eventual availability on consumer markets. And the
last one is manage external exchange optimally, that’s mean procedure
complexity in information exchanges may be result high cost to the enteprise. Next,
Mr.Taufik give us illustration about two island which need to communication one
to other. How to make two island can communicate? Mr. Taufik explain to us,
first we make a rute, and make a bridge to connect that island. And than,
evolution of communication can be eficient to communicate, the evolution is use
satelite. So, two island or it can be on the world can communicate one to other
without make a bridge.
Next discussion, about enterprise application integration
definition and architecture integration. Enterprise application integration is
an application of technology defined as the integration of data and services
between app. And the architecture integration, there is three architecture. That
is consist of point to point, hub and spoke (every single device will be
connect to the hub) and enterprise service integration (system can communicate
inthe same time).